Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Technique to make helicopters steady while they hover near ground

I am sure enough this technique of mine would make helicopters remain steady while they hover closer to ground. This technique would solve the problem. 

The wings (blades) of helicopters are parallel to the ground if the helicopter is steady. While being closer to the ground hovering is countered by various inclinations, but letting helicopter remain steady is a difficult job, near impossible. Various accidents in famous incidents even recently during famous 'capture' helicopter’s accident was very much due to hovering effect. 

Blades rotating perpendicular to the axle being the cause of hovering should get its mechanism altered to counter with the airflow’s effect. I’ve an idea which would deal very efficiently with the hovering and keep the helicopter quiet steady. 

My idea is rather than this mechanism which keeps the blades perpendicular to the axle of rotation, another mechanism should be used which could allow the blades to rotate along axle with a non perpendicular angle. 

There should a range for the blades from ‘rotating perpendicular to the axle’ to ‘rotating with an angle other than being perpendicular’ depending upon the need. Yet the adjustment allows it to and fro movement while rotating within the range, the best example to cite is the way birds flop their wing up and down but here while rotating as well. But the mechanism doesn't continually do this rather come into action (manual or automated) only on the need to keep the helicopters steady when flying closer to the ground.